Friday, August 22, 2008

Power To The Black Man (I Think)

"Tropic Thunder" is a very funny movie. This much is obvious to those who have seen it. What is even more obvious is that Robert Downey Jr. is brilliant as a white man playing a black character.

This image may be offensive to some, but frankly I don't care because the character is just so stinking funny. Every time he's on screen the movie gets better instantly. It's a comedy role, but one that I think would have a great chance at winning the Best Supporting Actor Oscar almost any year. So it's kind of a shame that the movie was released during The Year of the Joker (as I'm going to call it.

Heath Ledger has got this award in the bag. Not only because this is a great performance, but because Ledger is dead (sorry guys, but it's hard to beat a dead guy). I think Downey will at least get a nomination in the supporting category, it's just a shame the movie wasn't released next year when he'd (more then likely) have a chance at winning it. Oh well, that's the Oscar game for you.

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