Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Jonas Brothers: Bigger Then The Beatles (Possibly Even Jesus)

Okay, so they aren't as big as The Beatles and likely never will be, but they will be coming to IMAX 3D in about a month...

...which means all you girls who loved them in "Hannah Montana: Best of Both Worlds" can get ready to watch another manufactured band from the Disney tween machine. This is perfect timing because with "Hannah Montana: The Movie" coming out and rumors of Miley Cyrus opting out of a third season...well, the Jonas Brothers seem to be the perfect replacement. Wholesome, good looking, and easy on the ears. They may be instantly forgettable but with faces like that you can sell a lot of posters which will in turn kill a lot of trees (so much for kids going green these days). So if this is such a marketing ploy why am I bothering to blog about it in the first place (and on an Oscar site no less)?

Easy: Because this is Disney's first movie on the IMAX since they released "Treasure Planet" on it years ago. Yeah, I know they released a couple of hour long documentaries in the past few years, but this is the first real movie they are releasing on IMAX since they decided the format wasn't really that profitable. I'm hoping the sucess of this will lead Disney to release their 3D remasters of Best Picture nominee "Beauty & The Beast" and "Toy Story" on IMAX as well as conventional theaters. I saw "Beauty & The Beast" on IMAX about eighr years ago and I still remember the experience. I was crushed when I found out we wouldn't get the IMAX versions of "Aladdin," "Pocahontas," "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," or "The Little Mermaid" in this format. Hopefully this 3D thing will bring in lots of dough for Disney and convince them to give these films a second chance on the really big screen.

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