Saturday, December 6, 2008

Join The Dark Campaign

For as long as I've been reviewing movies and talking about Oscars there is something that constantly pops up in conversation: I don't watch the Oscars because they don't matter. Now all that is changing. I'm having more Oscar discussions then I can remember. Thanks to "The Dark Knight," people care about the Oscars again. If this film is nominated the Oscars will really be worth talking about, and if it wins they will be important to the general public once again. This should be reason alone to nominate the film, but the Academy still has many people who don't believe the members will even vote for the film (a concern that is well validated). That's why a group of fans have started Dark, a website by fans encouraging the Academy to vote for this film. If you want to see this wonderful film nominated, then go to the site and see what you can do. In the meantime, a good start would be to e-mail out this viral video they made. It does a pretty good job at advertising this movie as Oscar material, and so it e-mailing to everyone in your address book makes a lot of sense right now:

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