Sunday, August 24, 2008

And The Oscar Goes To...WHAT [Costumes 1981]!?!

"Chariots of Fire" is one of my favorite sports movies ever made. This 1981 Best Picture winner (an upset since Warren Beatty's "Reds" was favored to win) is a movie where running is a metaphore for spiritual healing and guidance. The movie has held up very well over the years. The movie won four Oscars, most of them deserved. However there was one Oscar they won that I feel they didn't warrent: Best Costume Design. Now please keep in mind that the costumes in "Chariots of Fire" are by no means bad. They look like they belong in the era, they look authentic, and for the movie they work. But Oscar worthy? Let me show you two pictures of what you will be looking at for most of the movie:

See, the movie is mostly white shirts and pants. Or in other words, these costumes look like glorified bed sheets. I hate to sound cruel, but even with my limited design skills I could make these costumes at home. For a fraction of the cost that was most likely spent on these. Strangely enough, Warren Beatty predicted that whatever won the costumes award would also win Best Picture. I'm not sure where he came up with that prediction, but after looking at the costumes in "Reds"...

...and you can't really blame Beatty from feeling discouraged by the loss of this one award. The Best Costume Award is not the most coveted award. Not by a long shot. That said, looking at this comparison could make you feel the awards is a pointless af---nevermind folks, lets not even go there.

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