I just want to get this out in the open: I can't stand Oprah. One of the most powerful women in the world, she commands way too much power from the public. She can control the book best seller list, she effects the election without having to make any valid arguments, and her political agenda has become something to scorn at recently. That said when she endources something that normally means a lot of love and money will follow that endourcement. Recently that movie was "Australia," a movie that is being watched carefully as we don't know whether it will be an epic orgy or epic failure. With recent talks that the ending is being re-filmed so that it's happy also has people concerned. Whatever cut of the film Oprah saw though is irrelivent, as she's officially declared it the best film of the year. She even went as far as to say it's the best film she's seen in a long time.
I wonder how many movies she watches a year. Watching her show I don't get a sense that she watches many movies at all. She's also missed some modern classics like "Wall-E," "The Dark Knight" and "Rachael Getting Married," so I'm taking this quote with a grain of salt. The question now is this: Will this effect "Australia's" Oscar chances? Possibly. Oprah was one of the key reasons "Crash" won a couple of years ago, so it seems likely "Australia" is getting a truckload of nominations based on her alone. Will it win any? That's even more hard to say, but this certainly has made the race much more interesting.
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