Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Nine" Trailer

It's funny how this trailer business works out sometimes. I had watched the trailer for "The Road" before I watched the trailer for "Nine." I was expecting to be unimpressed by the trailer for "The Road" but to be blown away by "Nine."

Boy was I wrong.

How can a movie that has a cast of Oscar winners and nominees look so utterly dreadful. Yeah big stars make trash, but they rarely advertise the trash as such. "Nine" looks like trash right upfront. What's most puzzling is that I fully believed Harvey Weinstein was going to market the hell out of this thing for Oscar season. When you've got a musical starring Daniel-Day Lewis, Nicol Kidman, Penelope Cruz, Kate Hudson, and Judi Dench, plus Rob Marshal directing, you'd think the trailer would exploit those names for all it's worth. Just mentioning that virtually all these people won Oscars would make the movie feel more credible right away (even if they themselves lose credit). But nothing. No star power. No event vibe. Not even any blurb's from film festivals. The movie, in fact, looks like a parody of "Cabaret." And THIS is The Weinstein Companies Oscar contender for the year (in theory)!?! Well...good luck Harvey.

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