Friday, September 5, 2008

We Won't See Moore On The Red Carpet

Controversial documentary maker Michael Moore won't be at the Academy Awards despite releasing a new film this year. That's because he intends to release the film for free online and then sell the DVD. Personally, I think this makes sense. The new film, entitled "Slacker Uprising," is about Moore's sixty-two city tour to try and get college students to vote. The trailer is below:

And while I don't want to get all political I have to say that I'm glad this movie won't be up for Oscar consideration because this looks like a self-promotional film if ever I saw one. I'm happy when people try to encourage the younger generation to vote (a generation, it seems, that would rather blog about their problems then actually take the time to vote on them), but if Mikey thinks his tour was successful at all then he's nuts. The poll statistics showed that the droves of college students that would vote didn't even register...or in other words they didn't show up.

In the preview you see kids committing to vote President Bush out of the White House, and we all know how THAT worked out! Basically Mike's tour was a wash, and this is him trying to make a buck off his disappointment (and to maybe try and convince himself the whole thing wasn't a wash). The only reason he's not releasing it in theaters is because he knows no one will pay to see it. So he's giving it away. And the DVD...well, that's for his fans who just HAVE to have everything!

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